Monday, March 18, 2019

Motivational Writer

Be addicted to bettering yourself


she was trying to walk away 
and hold on 
at the same time 
that's the mind at war 
with the heart 

ignore people who think they know more about you than you do 

The bad news -- 
Nothing lasts forever

The good news-- 
Nothing lasts forever. 

When it is all finished, you will discover it was never random. 

Chapter One --> Who were you before they broke your heart? 

Milk N Honey 
It takes grace 
to remain kind 
in cruel situations 

When it is all finished, you will discover it was never random. 

Whereyou not who you are. --> circumstances

I forget how to love myself most days, 
but I keep trying. I keep trying. 
& that alone is a victory 

Alison Malee

I lied and said I was busy 
I was busy; 
but not in a way moist people understand. 

I was busy taking deeper breaths. 
I was busy silencing irrational thoughts
I was busy calming a racing heart
I was busy telling myself I am okay 

Sometimes, this is my busy -- 
And I will not apologize for it.

You're not rich 
until you have something 
that money can't buy 

Not everyone gets the same version of me. One person might tell you Im an amazing individual. Another person will say I'm a cold hearted asshole. Believe them both, I act accordingly. 

My focus is different. My time is being invested on growth. I don't expect people to understand what I'm up to. Eventually they'll see. 

"She's completely unexplainable. You think she's the good girl, but once you get to know her, you realize she's everything. She's crazy, she's funny, she's honest, and you never know what she'll do next. "

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. 

You live but once, you might as well be amusing. --> CoCo Chanel 

Chapter One -- "Leave the past where it belongs."

I am still learning how to go back & reread my own chapters without feeling like I want to set all of my pages on fire. -->? E.V. ROGINA

"Eventually, everything connects." 

The thing about pain, 
Is it won't last forever. 
And it kills you right now, 
But with time it gets better, 
The thing about scars, 
Is they all start to fade, 
Until nothing is left, 
Of the cuts that were made, 
the thing about today, 
Is there's always tomorrow, 
And if you can't find your smile, 
I have one you can borrow, 
The thing about help 
Is beside you it stands, 
But it won't know it's needed, 
Unless you reach out your hand 
The thing about love, 
Is you can't feel it's touch, 
Until you let someone know, 
that this world is too much

pay more 
to the 'intention. 

- The goddess rebellion 

Be careful with your heart
though you've not known something so deep, 
there is a limit to the secrets 
Even the strongest one can keep 
And if you force them ever downward; 
Each one pressed against the last, 
All of your newest take the features
Of the secrets from your past 
Then one day without warning 
You'll bite your tongue just once too often, 
And you'll feel there heavy casing. 
Around your heart begin to soften. 
Until there is no way of stopping.
The flood of feelings you held down, 
And it is then you must decide 
If you let go or if you drown. 
- e.h. 

Sticks and Stones 
Sticks and stones may break my bones, 
But words will hurt much more, 
They make me afraid to be myself, 
Life my eyes up off the floor 
Sticks and stones may make me cry 
But words will leave me cold, 
Never again believing, 
The nice things that i;  told, 
Sticks and stones may leave me bruises, 
But words will leave me scars, 
As i lock myself in the bathroom, 
With a  blade pressed to my arm, 
Sticks and stones may make me ache, 
But words will make me want to die, 
To stop my time upon this earth, 
And kiss the ground goodbye, 
Sticks and stones may break my bones, 
But words will leave me numb, 
And the only ones to think otherwise, 
Are the ones behind the gun

" You were the lightening and I was the tree, and your words were the fire that burned the best parts of me. - n.d. 

They witnessed her destruction, 
Then were left to wonder why, 
She saw nothing but darkness,  
though the stars shone in her eyes, 
But maybe they'd forgotten, 
When they failed to see the cracks, 
That a star's light shines the brightest 
When it's starting to collapse

They witnessed her destruction, 
Then were left to wonder why, 
She saw nothing but darkness, 
Though the stars shone in her eyes, 
But maybe they failed to see the cracks, 
That a star's light shines the brightest, 
When it's starting to collapse. 


Never be in a hurry
Do everything quietly 
and in a calm spirit. 
do not lose your inner 
peace for anything 
whatsoever, even if 
your whole world 
seems upset 
St. Francis of Sales 

They witnessed her destruction, 
Then were left to wonder why, 
She saw nothing but darkness, 
Though the stars shone in her eyes, 
But maybe they'd forgotten 
When they failed to se the cracks, 
That a star's light shines the brightest, 
When it's starting to collapse. 

It has been one of the greatest and most difficult years of my life. i learned everything is temporary. moments. feelings. people. flowers. i learned love is about giving, everything. and letting it hurt. i learned vulnerability is always the right choice because it is easy to be cold in a world that makes it so very difficult to remain soft. i learned all things come in twos. life and death. pain and joy. salt and sugar. me and you. it is the balance of the universe. it has been the year of hurting so bad but living so good. making friends out of strangers, making strangers out of friends. learning mint chocolate chip ice-cream will fix just about everything and for the pains it cant there will always by my mothers arms, we must learn to focus on warm energy. always soak our limbs in it and become better lovers to the world. for if we can't learn to be kinder to each other how will we ever learn to be kinder to the most desperate parts of ourselves. 

- Rupi Kaur

Perfectly Imperfect

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